Sunday 24 February 2013


Hello again ,
So i'm going to introduce you to me , tell you a little bit more About me !!
One thing that is so important to me is music, I feel like a lyrics to a song can speak a thousand words, music is everything to me I love it:)
One music artist that inspires me is Jessie J, she is so inspiring in so many ways!
I have seen my idol 7 times in the past 2ish years :) she is such an amazing performer and a genuinely caring person. Jessica has inspired me to be myself and be proud, I wouldn't be the person I am today without her inspiring lyrics and positive attitude to life and everything it throws at us.
The most meaningful song in have ever heard and means so much to me is 'Who You Are' by Jessie J!! Jess inspires us to be who we are and be happy and not be who other people want us to be.
I am a dedicated heartbeat and always will be Jessica allows me to be happy about something that hasn't always made me happy, that is the genetic disorder I have called PKU I never felt like I fitted in I only wanted to be like my friends eat what they ate and now I understand that individuality is so much better, I have PKU I'm not PKU !!!!
I hope to share stories with people of my life coz my life is going to be amazing we only get one life after all so why settle for anything but the best , life's what we make it so I intend to dream big and share my experiences on here!!!!
Until next time ....
Nicola xx
Hello ,
 so this is my first ever post :)
just wanted to set up a blog to write down some of my thoughts !!
so my name is Nicola im 19 and have PKU most people wont know what that is but im going to change that.
I am a dedicated Heartbeat (Jessie J Fan) so this blog will have stories about my life with PKU and My obession with Jess!!
I will answer any questions about PKU and look forward to being a regular blogger :)
Blogging again soon,